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development points

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medal 5000
6 years 25 days ago

When I reach the max. 100 points, plus 10 points from the engine supplier? So will 110 be the development of my car? or is it enough to develop the speed to 90 points?

Best Solution -- Selected by Gert Rose

medal 5000
6 years 25 days ago
All car attributes are capped at 100, if you're in Elite, and say you get to 100 acceleration points without any suppliers, the suppliers won't add into the points.

But in Pro and Rookie you can go over the tier cap with the suppliers because you can not reach 100 in those.
medal 5000
6 years 25 days ago
All car attributes are capped at 100, if you're in Elite, and say you get to 100 acceleration points without any suppliers, the suppliers won't add into the points.

But in Pro and Rookie you can go over the tier cap with the suppliers because you can not reach 100 in those.
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