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Extra free practice laps?

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medal 5000
6 years 43 days ago
Howdy fellow iGPers!

First off let me clarify i most certainly am not against the 5 laps limit in practice sessions, on the contrary i find it quite challenging  to set car parameters as well as tyre and stints strategies in such a fashion, therefore quite fun! (and meritocratic as well since experienced and clever managers can take advantage of their previous data, especially in uncertain or odd weather and conditions).

However, i do have some concerns regarding sudden weather changes, for example when you've already completed the 5 practice laps, sitting tight on a strategy based on dry conditions; then some few hours before the race the conditions change completely and you cannot have a couple practice laps on inters or wets...Now i know many among you would and indeed will tell me there are specific ways to adapt your car parameters without extra practice laps (an example being the +12\+12 increase for wet conditions eccetera eccetera), but think about the aforementioned experienced managers (this time in relation to strategies and fuel instead of car parameters), won't they be too better off than "newbies" in this regard? i guess what i'm trying to say is: what harm would a couple of extra laps added ONLY after such conditions present themselves would do? also since experienced managers would merely see their experienced-based predictions confirmed (and if not, also get the chance to revise them or simply to have some fun in challenging their knowledge)  and "newbies" would have (if they are willing to be clever and analytic, which clearly is a narrowing factor per se) a chance to reduce the "experience" gap more quickly, in learning the "tools of the trade" in such (allow me to say) sporadic event...

What say you, oh mighty iGP geeks and tinkermen?

P.S. for all you guys, being this merely a suggestion, try not to run your mouth at my mom too much or something, ahahahahah just kidding :)
medal 5006
6 years 43 days ago
If you can use those extra laps, you could have wait for your practice laps at the beginning. 

Why use all your 5 laps many hours before the race if you are able to do them in the last hour before the race. 

medal 5000
6 years 43 days ago
Hi Marc,

I usually don't actually...i try (don't we all?) to leave at least one lap until the very couple hours before the race in the event of rain and what have you...however it happened to me that until some few hours before the race the forecast only showed cloudy conditions but not rainy, (although i must admit i had to be somewhere for about an hour and therefore i couldn't check on the conditions briefly) i used that lap to try a different (dry) compound to compare with previous laps and before you know it, there goes the rain... I also imply that most people can't always be that much attentive to the evolution of track conditions minute by minute, especially during work days. That's why i thought it could be useful to add a couple extra laps but only IF conditions change suddenly (by which i mean like some 2 or 3 hours before the race...if conditions change over night it's just personal negligence not to acknowledge it of course), which as i said is a very sporadic event. Plus i also said i think this idea would be of very little impact on racedays overall...

I understand your point that's why i specified i don't have any quarrel with the way things work, However, let me just say that a good idea could also be push notifications (on the app version of the game) regarding changes in weather conditions...i don't know perhaps someone already thought about it and i'm just fooling myself or something... 

anyhow, thanks for commenting :)
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