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Transfer Fees

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medal 5000
6 years 43 days ago (edited 6 years 43 days ago)
Hi everyone,

Drivers' transfer fee a bit strange. We can see lots of expensive low leveled driver than high leveled drivers. I have home grown level 18 driver and his value is 6,3m, but there is a level 5 driver in transfer market and his value is 7m. Drivers' value should be updated about their level. So, youth academy would be more important to train and sell young drivers to earn money. Here is SSs:
medal 5000
6 years 42 days ago
Yea... I don't follow  how IGP makes sense of that... but you're right... they need to make up their mind on the chart they are going to use across the board.
medal 5000
6 years 38 days ago
And maybe we can negotiate contracts tooo
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