Sorry Victor, I think you're being unreasonable if not inpatient. If I was one of those players you kicked out I wouldn't try to return to yours or any other league for that matter.
One race is a bit harsh to judge how active they are or to be classify as fake accounts. Chances are they're busy searching for information on how to go about playing the game.
Set reasonable expectations and accept not every player is going to be 100% active.
If you still insist in sticking to your guns, then set a password and move on with it. A password is the only step you can take to address your dilemma.
Look, i got some stats from the managers i already kicked:
- 51 managers had no races and never joined other league after that
- 01 manager already had 25 races, but never joined other league after that
- 05 managers joined other league after that (but apparently not competitive ones, because almost all the managers has the team name like "846937493592"), and still no messages in my e-mail or in their new league's chat from them.
I really like having new players in my league, i like doing the "training a new player" job. We have a whatsapp group where many players that started IGP about 1 month or less are always asking for help and we are always answering them. I worry about kicking these ones but i i'm also afraid they can never join the league because it's full. I'd never had these 05 possibly true managers if i kept the first ones. I promise i'm not trying to be harsh with anyone, i'm just trying to protect my league from bots, alt acc that joined only to get exp and players who will never log in anymore.
I'm sorry if i'm looking insensitive or maybe agressive here, i'm trying no to be. The true is i'm struggling to speak english with you guys, my native language is portuguese.
Had them in my league as well and it's either alt accounts or new players. Sometimes new players join and see what's involved and then simply don't bother coming back. If the tutorial, or new manager login included something like "Hey good to see that you joined iGP! Once you get settled and then decide that the game is not for you then can you please remove your account from any league you have joined" otherwise what i did was to post league on forums as normal and add "Any new manager joining that can't get in message (me) league host" and then i would remove an inactive for them.
I would like the tutorial not to put them at any league at all, and maybe they'll join when they figure out how it works - or maybe the last thing of the tutorial could be this.
I'm sending messages for these "new players" welcoming them to the league, telling about our whatsapp and that if they want any help about the game they can count on us for it and asking for "pleeease aswer the message so we know you are a real player because we don't wanna kick you if you are really starting this game now".
I'm also sending messages for true rookie players inviting them for the league and saying "hey, you wanna a slot? Just tell me and i'll create one for you from these inactive players or from the teams we created to fulfill the league".
Maybe i can just give up about finding new players from nowere - i'm not being sucessful anyway - and wait until someone asks for a slot, like you suggested.