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In race icon customisation

Customisable race day icons?

88.24% (15)
Good idea
11.76% (2)
Keep it as it is
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medal 5000
6 years 36 days ago
I’m in a league with 30 other people and it can get confusing on race day with many teams using the same colours. How about being able to customise your race day icon to help differentiate and help recognise other teams easier? Being able to change the colour of the number on your icon and maybe a thin border would give a lot more variation.
medal 5000
6 years 35 days ago
I would like to make mine a triangle rather than a circle
medal 5000
6 years 35 days ago
It definitely would help spot your team at a glance much quicker. For sure! 
medal 5518
6 years 33 days ago
I would totally agree so many teams of the the same colours and different styles and colours of numbers would help 
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