Chas Shaw medal 5158 6 years 41 days ago (edited 6 years 40 days ago)
What did you try to do?
I am trying to edit the title heading for the first post for F1 UK league (55261) when I change the heading and click edit it still shows as it was. Also it states last edited 73 days ago whenever I try and edit.
What happened instead?
Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?
Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?
What operating system is your PC?
Windows 10
Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Can the bug be reproduced?

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 6 years 41 days ago
Reported to the developer team.

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 6 years 39 days ago
https://igpmanager.com/forum-thread/11899#83837 This is the topic that you’re trying to edit?

Chas Shaw medal 5158 6 years 38 days ago
Yes the first post with league info all other posts are editable.

Chas Shaw medal 5158 6 years 34 days ago
I would like to be able to edit the first post as some info is out of date.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 6 years 31 days ago (Last edited by
Yunus Unia Blunion 6 years 31 days ago)
The reason you weren't able to edit the post was because the thread title had too many capital letters in sequential order, however, when it threw an error it didn't show it at the top of the page, rather at the bottom.
This wouldn't have been a problem a few months ago, however, we've a condition in place now that stops excessive capitalization in thread titles.
I've taken out the excessive capitalization and you should be able to edit the post now.