Luke Frost medal 5000 12 years 180 days ago
I was just a bit curious.
What are your thoughts on talent offering more than other stats that may be on the board which take up the OA?

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 180 days ago
I think talent is pretty relevant tbh. It's not everything, but I think it counts for a lot. I didn't really notice a difference between 15 and 17 talent (my two drivers I had up until two days ago) until they were both up to level 16 though.
I'd just fired this guy for example:
It wasn't until he reached level 16 that there was a clear distinction between him and my other driver who has practically the same stats except 17 talent instead of 15. The 17 talent just started to get faster and faster until 75% of the time he would be quicker than the 15 talent. Whether or not this is coincidence I have no idea. For the first half of the season I'm currently in however, the 15 talent was qualifying really poorly aswell, consistently slower than my other driver and often starting 3 or 4 rows back. I have to admit though, my 15 talent driver has been my main driver for the last 6-7 seasons I've had him. He was a tank, and always faster than the 17 talent until recently.
We've also noticed that in our league, even if the driver is less trained / slower in the race, the 18 talent drivers seem to almost always dominate the front rows of the grid. Once again maybe coincidence, but idk, seems hard to imagine otherwise.
tl;dr - In my opinion talent is extremely important and shouldn't be overlooked. The higher the better, no questions asked. Not saying I'm right but that's how I feel on the matter.