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Unable To Join Race

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medal 5000
6 years 10 days ago
So, I'm new to all this... but I had my very first race tonight. Or I would have...had the server let me.
I'm pretty sure that the servers aren't supposed to get stuck on 'Negotiating' when trying to load a race.

About 15 times I reloaded and got the same thing every time.

Would anybody have any answers for me?
medal 4992 Moderator
6 years 10 days ago
Hard to tell. The most common problem is a firewall blocking needed ports for the game to work. Are you accessing the game through a mobile connection or local LAN/WLAN and if it's the latter is it from home or an open internet like work, restaurant? A quick check would be heading over to Transfers and click on any auction. Below 'Initial round' a countdown ticking down should appear, if it doesn't appear it's a pretty sure sign that something's blocking, unfortunately not the other way (if it works it doesn't mean there's nothing blocking the race viewer).

Then: Are you using the App or browser? Can you spectate other races? If browser which one are you using and could you try a different one or you're sure no script blocker is installed blocking needed scripts?
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