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Championship Reward

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medal 5000
6 years 15 days ago
Much has been said and proposed by managers with regards to a reward to Championship Winner (Manager).
My suggestion is different, since we cannot get Tokens or money or any sort of prize that would allow the winner to gain a competitive advantage over the others, i propose that an ICON is used in front of the current champion team and driver in every menu of the game, so that everyone knows upfront who the reigning champion is.

I dont think this is such a difficult thing to do. What do you guys Think? 


medal 5000
6 years 15 days ago
good idea
medal 5000
6 years 14 days ago
Obviously you must be talking about the Elite tier. Or are you suggesting the rookie champ carries this icon when promoted to pro? and subsequently, pro to elite? 
medal 5000
6 years 14 days ago
I like the idea for sure! and i like Memo's comment also. I guess with the ones changing tiers you could have a R, P or E, next to there trophy or what ever was there to represent it.
I have also made a section in the General/Off Topic section on the forum with our league results in for all to see. I advertise that also in our Promotional page so others can look and see. Just another way or option but i know not every host will do that!
medal 5000
6 years 14 days ago
Obviously you must be talking about the Elite tier. Or are you suggesting the rookie champ carries this icon when promoted to pro? and subsequently, pro to elite? 

Yes, I was thinking more in way of rewarding the champions of all tiers, with a slight difference between the icons. Graeme's point is great, this way, in case of promotion from Rookies to Pro or Pro to Elite, we would have a different icon to identify each reigning champion. 

medal 5000
6 years 13 days ago
 Ben, we gathered the base of your suggestion by now. Now it's time to gather some speed either down or up the hill to the right people. Therefore,  you should open up another post with a vote/poll count. Devs and moderators get intrigue by it. After all, democracy is incredibly influential some times. 
medal 5000
6 years 12 days ago

 Ben, we gathered the base of your suggestion by now. Now it's time to gather some speed either down or up the hill to the right people. Therefore,  you should open up another post with a vote/poll count. Devs and moderators get intrigue by it. After all, democracy is incredibly influential some times. 

Thanks for the suggestion. 

Here is the new post with voting option. 
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