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Bulk messaging

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medal 5000
6 years 12 days ago
Could you put in the option that the league owner can bulk message either everyone or just a tier like elite?
medal 5488 Super Mod
6 years 7 days ago
I completely agree with this suggestion. 
I host a league (IGP Championship 2019) and often there might be inportant information that I need to tell just one tier. There is no point using the league message wall because then I end up with members of other tiers asking why they don't get the same treatment. 
For example, last season the tyre rule changed in my league and I needed to tell  Elite. Using the league wall would have been ineffective because it was only Elite that needed to see it. 
medal 5000
6 years 6 days ago
Absolutely a great useful idea!

 Using the league wall would have been ineffective because it was only Elite that needed to see it. 

There's nothing with an open line of communication. In this case having these conversations in the chat wall would make the transition a lot easier when your players make it to Elite. 

medal 5000
6 years 3 days ago
Yes please as a host copy and paste are my favourite things in messages lol
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