Doesn't hiding the inactives also achieve what you want? With Inactives hidden it becomes a World Ranking of current active players but un-hiding inactives turns the same information into a HoF. Unless of course you want to use different criteria for ranking HoF but that opens up a whole new debate.
That sounds much less time consuming(hiding inactives). But what's the point of keeping inactive deemed players in the database anyways!? But yea, that would definitely shorten the hof list. Not to mention making it more relevant than what it currently is.
If we talk about a purge, where inactive players will be deleted or else, then there are many more things you can or need to do.
I've seen many drivers, with high talent at low age in inactive teams. The contracts never expire, because they're not driving anymore. Here it should be fine, to release the drivers and put them on the TM, to reinclude them in the game.
But that ist just an example and there are some more things you can or must do, if you purge the database.
We should open an extra thread for that, because here we talk about the HoF.
I've read this whole thing the last days and I'm pleased about how many people are interessted in this.
I think that there are many ways who lead us to Rome.
First of all, we should separate HoF and world ranking.
The HoF is what we have and it is about historical archievements.
A world ranking is what many people want and is about current standings.
In my opinion, it whould be fine to combine these two things, to one ranking.
We can have a HoF for championships, wins, races etc.
And at the prestige site in the HoF we can have a world ranking, where the inactives been hidden or else.
In addition to that, the max prestige can be increased. I think that it would be a way harder to stay on 15k instead of 10k, because you gain less and lose more points in a race.