Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 155 days ago
Title says it all. Race in 9 mins -> qualifying still isn't up. I know qualifying has been delayed a lot since the update (taking 7-8 mins instead of 1-2 mins etc) but this length of time concerns me.

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 155 days ago
OK cancel this request... Qualifying took 13 minutes to go through though. Is there any reason it's taking so long now?

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 155 days ago
Jack, can you please look at our race? I can't seem to open 2D now (it's been working fine since the update but right now I'm just getting CONNECTION PROBLEM) and our race is about to start.

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 155 days ago
I am getting this in my java console:
Race 114045 is not ready yet.
Couldn't get I/O for the connection to: race.igpmanager.com/
Exception in thread "Thread-14" java.lang.NullPointerException
at sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D.validateColor(Unknown Source)
at sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D.<init>(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.image.SunVolatileImage.createGraphics(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.image.VolatileImage.getGraphics(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component$BltBufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics(Unknown Source)
at Core.iGPViewer.a(Unknown Source)
at Core.iGPViewer.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Austin William medal 5000 12 years 155 days ago
I am getting the same thing on my race. I have tried both firefox and safari. It's is happening to both 2D and the living timing.

Vitor Appolinario medal 5000 12 years 155 days ago
I'm also with the same problem. It is alternating "Connection Problem" and "Race not open".

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 155 days ago
The devs are aware of the problem and are working to resolve the issue.
I think there are still some unresolved issues with the new servers.