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More Laps

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medal 5000
6 years 3 days ago
For what do we need more laps in practice?
You can find the optimal Setup in 5 laps, with every driver.
And you don't need the practice for more.

I'm against it, the devs got better things to do.
medal 5000
6 years 3 days ago
You dont need more practise laps, u just need to ask someone for help!
Aus -neutral 18-10
Mal -neutral 11-5
Chi -neutral 4-8
Bah -firm 7-3
Spa -soft 4-13
Mon -soft 21-20
Tur -neutral 12-8
Brit -firm 11-3
Ger -neutral 7-8
Hun - soft 9-15
Eur -soft 11-13
Bel -neutral 11-9
Ita -firm 11-1
Sing -soft 16-17
Jap -soft 11-13
Bra -neutral 7-8
Abu -neutral 12-5

Due to driver and manager level setups may vary
Different weather will also change the setup to app. +12 in rain and +24 in monsoon (5mm)


medal 5000
6 years 2 days ago
To correlate tyre ware and Fuel consumption is all practice laps help you with. 

The lap times in practice mean absolutely nothing in terms of how well a particular driver will perform in the actual race. 
medal 5000
6 years 1 days ago
Then you can change it for one or two laps and test it!
The time from a practice lap, had nothing to say about the speed, time or placement a driver reach in a race.

The practice laps are good for three reasons:
Find the optimal Setup for each driver
See the tyre wear for each tyre
See the fuel use for one lap

For all that the current five laps are more than enough.
I just need two or three laps per driver each training, to know everithing I need and had the perfect Setup with each driver.
medal 5000
5 years 365 days ago

Use Bo's setup chart as a base. +12 on wet tracks. It really isn't that complicated.... 
medal 5144 Super Mod
5 years 365 days ago
If you had put a poll up I would have voted "cake" ?
medal 5006
5 years 364 days ago
Less laps pls 
medal 5000
5 years 364 days ago
ok ok, even laps please!
medal 5000
5 years 360 days ago
it would be nice to train/quallify 3 drivers on a track, so a new driver could get some track expierence (and some xp) just like they do in RL? 
medal 5000
5 years 360 days ago

it would be nice to train/quallify 3 drivers on a track, so a new driver could get some track expierence (and some xp) just like they do in RL? 

For that the drivers need to get xp for practice.

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