Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 154 days ago
I'm just going to make an open thread with notes of what is happening with our race as it happens...
It's not a rage post or anything like that... It is just because of a few small bugs we are having and want to give the Dev's a heads up of things that are going on.
1, Qually results came through 6 mins later than normal. (adviced in another thread what has happened.)
2. Two players had issues connecting.. 2 to the 2D and the other to the Live Timings.
3. Complete game crash on about lap 10.
4. Weather shot up from 16 degrees to 23..
This is an open thread and I will update with any issues..
Again, this is NOT a rage thread, it's just a thread to let the Dev's know if there are small issues happening.

Shane Hendrixson medal 5000 12 years 154 days ago
The weather thing you mentioned was happening to us about two weeks ago. Abu Dhabi, the weather switched from 21 to 32 degrees constantly throughout the race. It was making tyres really hard to manage.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 154 days ago
Not other issues.. It ran smooth for the rest of the race without a single issue and it also closed straight after the last person crossed the line.
Extra note for No 4 issue. When it happened, it only lasted for a couple of mins and then went back it the previous temp.. It didn't change again after that.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 154 days ago
Thanks Rob. This is useful. I'll update you once I've resolved some of these.
I'll just add the comment that for 1) - actually this isn't a problem as such. Qualifying does run about 5 minutes later now. There are mixed feelings about whether or not this is a good change but in any case I am expecting to put it back to the original timing soon.