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Money for Tokens - Suggestion

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medal 5000
5 years 360 days ago
At the moment its not a huge advantage to spend more tokens on money as the multiples of the lower vs the higher yields little benefit. surely like many things the more you buy in bulk the better the deal. 

If I spend 85 tokens this is what I get for them: (all calculations are amount divided by tokens times 85)

85 = 116.5m
45 =109.7m
25 = 106.4m
15 = 104.8m
5  = 103.7m
2  = 102.0m

Total of 14.5% extra if you save up 85 tokens 

If you look at the token purchasing its a lot more of a ratchet
The total increase is an extra 29% for bulk buying. 

There is also a ramp up from the lowest to the next tier of over 60% more for spending £4 over £1. 

So based on this should the token buying for money be changed to match?
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