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Contracts renewal

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medal 5000
5 years 351 days ago
I lost my first pilot cause end of contract. It's ridicoul that i can't to re-buy he considering that was mine only because he's a level higher than me. My suggestions are.

1- The red light on the section "pilot and staff" disappear when you enter in the section even if don't renew the contract. The red light mustn't disappear never during the last 3 days of contract.

2- When there are more 1 day of contract,t he contract mustn't to be deleted automatically after the race but the system must to ask, after the race, if you want to delete the contract od to renew it and only if you choose to delete it must to eliminate the pilot from the team.

3- To permitt at managers to re-buy a pilot that was in the teyr team immediatly after to lost it, maybe spending tokes and money, because an error can happen to everyone. I, for example, would spend gladly 9 tokens and 10 millions to have the pilot i've lost.
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