Jack Basfordmedal 5241 CEO & CTO 12 years 145 days ago
Hi Omar, I've added the reward points to your account.
For some reason they didn't go through, thanks for reporting it. There have been a few glitches with these and once some of the updates are done I'll definitely need to look in to why they aren't going through.
I still don't understand why prep locked early but races started bang on the correct time. If the server was out by a minute, shouldn't everything start a minute early?
Practice is still locking out a minute early btw.. I completely forgot about my setups until now (1.28pm) and by the time I quickly logged on at 1.29pm setups were already locked out :(
The race I just had still closed the setups a bit early. I don't normally wait to so close but I was on my last 2 test laps and it just stopped responding. When I went to check on the status on the home page, sure enough it showed locked but still said I had about 45 seconds to go. Guess the lesson is to do your practice laps before letting the dogs out? :p