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League Transfer Penalty

Financial Punishments Yes/No

73.68% (14)
Yes, they should keep them.
21.05% (4)
No, they should be removed.
5.26% (1)
Though Question, no idea.
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medal 5000
5 years 348 days ago
In a way it's unfair in case you looking for a more active league.

You get then punished for being active and want to change to a more activ league. For example my first race I straight got Pole and Podium.
medal 5144 Super Mod
5 years 348 days ago
Hi Willi

As far as I know there are no financial penalties for changing leagues, if you receive one you should post in the Bugs section because this should not happen.

You may receive a design penalty, the severity of this penalty is dependant on the point at which you join your new league.

See here... New Design Balancing system when changing leagues
medal 5000
5 years 348 days ago
I played it safe when switching leagues by doing so during the season break of my previous league and waiting for the new season to start in my current league.

My penalties and/or rewards:

I got 1% of cash balance deducted as I left my previous league. I also got a message once in my current league that the governing body had reset my designs and awarded me 3 dp(which I never saw....unless the game decides where to allocate them) to balance my team within my new league. 
medal 5000
5 years 344 days ago
Here you go 1% financial penalty
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