Seb Vettel medal 5000 12 years 144 days ago
Whats it's schedule Jamie.. what days does it run, and times etc? Race length? - Sorry I couldn't find it in the leagues list.

Jamie Snelling medal 5000 12 years 144 days ago
Yes, I realised there were many things I needed to explain, Oops! :D The League does not start until Monday 29th October, yet it is visible. It will feature the same days as we are currently racing on our current league (Wed, Fri, Sat). I letting others deciding on times via a quick poll. Race's are also 50%, but the main catch is that each team will have 2 cars, instead of 1. Hope its all clear now :)

Jonne Pulli medal 5000 12 years 144 days ago
Are you leaving International GP? :o

Jamie Snelling medal 5000 12 years 143 days ago
When I feel like moving leagues, I will decide. For now, I just feel like hosting. Any takers?

Simon Thornes medal 5000 12 years 143 days ago
How / can I join without leaving current league?

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 143 days ago
How / can I join without leaving current league?
You can't.

Jamie Snelling medal 5000 12 years 143 days ago
As It says in description. Anyone and Everyone can join. If its your first time and u wanna join this league, thats fine. U wanna change leagues and come and join this one, thats fine also. :)

Arthur Akopyan medal 5000 12 years 143 days ago
why didn't you give a link to the league?
http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=league-info/1185 and by the way it's Wed Fri Sun,not Sat =)

Jamie Snelling medal 5000 12 years 143 days ago
Soz about that :D. Did I say Saturday? Oops :D

Seb Vettel medal 5000 12 years 143 days ago
Thanks, but if it's the same days as the league im currently in, I'll just stay put. Good luck with it :)