Lawrence Tombs medal 5000 5 years 348 days ago
What did you try to do?
To watch an ad to get car parts, health, etc
What happened instead?
Nothing happened, didn’t obtain car parts, Heath etc.
Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?
Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?
What is the model of your device?
iPhone 6s
What is the operating system?
What is the version number of the operating system?
Can the bug be reproduced?
Hasn’t worked for the last 4 or 5 days
Additional comments:
Is there a limit on how much you can use them?

José Trujillo medal 5359
Community Manager 5 years 319 days ago
We have reported this and many incidents related to ads to our ad provider, from here we can't do anything else from iGP Games.

Rens Soloo medal 5000 5 years 347 days ago (Last edited by
Rens Soloo 5 years 347 days ago)
Exact same for me with the iPhone 7+ (iOS 12.1.4). (Not checken at PC yet)
It only happend with iGP. All other app-related ads still seem to work. Will update to 12.1.5 later this day to see if it has anything to do with current software from Apple.
Edit: Updated to 12.2 (not 12.1.5) and it seemed to fix it. So the problem was most likely on Apple’s side.

Lawrence Tombs medal 5000 5 years 342 days ago
Okay great, will update my phone as well then. Thanks for the info

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 5 years 342 days ago
Hi Lawrence,
Has the update resolved your problem?

Lawrence Tombs medal 5000 5 years 342 days ago
Hi Gert,
No, unfortunately it hasn’t. I’m running 12.2 advised but it has made no difference.

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 5 years 342 days ago
Ok, I'll flag to support.
I assume you are on the latest version of the app also?

Lawrence Tombs medal 5000 5 years 342 days ago
Yes, latest version of the app.
That’s great, thank you!

Rens Soloo medal 5000 5 years 340 days ago
As of yesterday (maybe after the clock changes?) the ad problem indeed showed up again.

Paul McAdoo medal 5000 5 years 340 days ago
What did you try to do?
I tried resetting the app advert preferences in settings as before
What happened instead?
In the parts window the button just disappears
Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?
Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?
What is the model of your device?
iPhone 7
What is the operating system?
What is the version number of the operating system?
Version 12.2
Can the bug be reproduced?
It happens every time I try to go to it on the app.

Gavin Burke medal 5000 5 years 338 days ago
I have had this issue too ever since installing the app. I first had iOS 12.1 on iPhone 5S and ads never ever loaded, then got iPhone 6s and again they never loaded
Upgraded to 12.2 and now the Free Ads button doesn’t even appear!!

Kayhan Polat medal 5000 5 years 327 days ago
Ne yapmaya çalıştınız?
Ads buton.
Ne oldu?
No ads buton
Problem mobil veri kullanırken mi oluştu yoksa wi-fi kullanırken mi?
Hata bilgisayarda mı yoksa uygulamada mı oluştu?
Cihazınızın modeli?
Samsung Note3 N9000Q
İşletim istemi?
İşletim sistemi versiyonunuz?
5.0 Lolipop
Hata tekrarlanabilir mi?
This is my second request for help. The answer to my previous request is wrong. The ad button didn't appear and it was called "About Location". But I'm in Turkey Istanbul. In the same position, another player is watching commercials. Ad button available. But I don't have a button. This is not the fact that advertisers don't advertise where I am. If this is true, another player who lives in the same city with me cannot watch advertising. I opened the subject quickly closed, forced to open a new o
Eksta yorumlar:

José Trujillo medal 5359
Community Manager 5 years 326 days ago
I'm really sorry about the wait, the support team has a lot of work, I've taken your case personally. Is this still happening?

Kayhan Polat medal 5000 5 years 325 days ago
There is no ad button and the problem is not regional. Another player sitting in the same city as me is watching commercials, but I and many other players don't have advertising buttons on their devices.

Lucky Racing medal 5000 5 years 324 days ago
Hey guys I sometimes see the free add box and click it,
I watch the video but at the end it freezes and won’t let me press the x in the corner so I’m not getting any rewards, any help much appreciated thank you

Gregory Di Zuliani medal 5000 5 years 321 days ago
I CAN watch add but i can't close add and so i CAN 't received part of car, please help me.

Sart Bimpson medal 5000 5 years 320 days ago
I can click the „watch add“ button, but nothing happens. ?

Richard Jauffret medal 5000 5 years 320 days ago
I can click the „watch add“ button, but nothing happens. ?
it happens to me often when I click on the ad "too quickly". Close the app, then open it. The button will come back, but especially do not click on it. wait a minute before clicking the button
3 days ago, I had the problem "impossible to close ads after watching it, and impossible to get the reward", but now it's solved
no reward after watching an ad
Volkan Carter medal 5000 5 years 319 days ago
Ads not coming. We need help!

Gregory Di Zuliani medal 5000 5 years 319 days ago
Que vouliez-vous faire ?
Watch add for car's pieces
Que s'est-il finalement passé ?
I can Watch add for car's pieces but I can't close the add, the button X ils locked… I have delet the game and install after, but Nothing have changed. It since for 3 free days..
Est-ce que le problème est survenu quand vous utilisiez le Wifi, l'internet mobile ou les deux ?
Mobile data
Est-ce que le bug s'est produit dans l'application, sur PC ou les deux ?
Quel est le modèle de votre appareil ?
IPhone 5S
Quel est le système d'exploitation ?
Quel est le numéro de version de votre système d'exploitation ?
Que vouliez-vous faire ?
Possibility to close add..
Commentaires supplémentaires :

José Trujillo medal 5359
Community Manager 5 years 319 days ago
We have reported this and many incidents related to ads to our ad provider, from here we can't do anything else from iGP Games.