Kanza R medal 5000 5 years 346 days ago (Last edited by
Kanza R 5 years 346 days ago)
There's should be an ability for league hosts to control the minimum of Promotion and Relegation for each tier cause it's very difficult to revive the pro tier in the league I'm on right now. So at least I can move some of those rookies to pro at a greater amount of time instead of having to promote 2 players each season and they'll eventually left because of inactivity. The pro tier is gonna be dead in a million years if there's no system change at all.

Hamlet Rodriguez medal 5000 5 years 346 days ago
That's funny....I just asked the same question in my league's chat wall....

Kanza R medal 5000 5 years 346 days ago
That's funny....I just asked the same question in my league's chat wall....
haha yeah ?

Dan Tyler medal 5000 5 years 346 days ago
Managers should control all aspects of thier leagues, promotion,relegation,track order,and more crucially allowed tyres for each race.
Right now this game is softs tyres dominated, even at full distance.
Give us an option to limit tyre numbers or to pick a set tyre for races just something