Adrien Setsuna medal 5000 5 years 342 days ago
Que vouliez-vous faire ?
J ai achete des tokens pour 16 euros
Que s'est-il finalement passé ?
Il n y a aucun tokens sur mon compte
Est-ce que le problème est survenu quand vous utilisiez le Wifi, l'internet mobile ou les deux ?
Est-ce que le bug s'est produit dans l'application, sur PC ou les deux ?
Quel est le modèle de votre appareil ?
Samsung galaxy s9
Quel est le système d'exploitation ?
Quel est le numéro de version de votre système d'exploitation ?
Le dernier
Que vouliez-vous faire ?
Ce bug s est produit une seule fois
Commentaires supplémentaires :
L achat a ete fait le29 mars 2019

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 5 years 342 days ago
Hi Adrien,
We're sorry you didn't receive your tokens right away.
Please e-mail support@igpgames.com with the following information so we may award the Tokens manually:
1) The receipt(s) you received via e-mail from Google Play or Apple
2) The e-mail address for your iGP Manager account if there is one
3) Your team name and league name
(NOTE: Do not attach bank or credit card statements or receipts from PayPal.)
If the Apple invoice has not yet arrived via e-mail, please follow the instructions below:
1. Open Settings on your iPhone.
2. At the top of Settings, tap on your Apple account.
3. Tap iTunes & App Store.
4. At the top of iTunes & App Store, tap your Apple ID e-mail.
5. Tap ‘View Apple ID’. NOTE: You may be asked to confirm this by password or Touch ID.
6. Scroll down to tap on Purchase History.
7. Screenshot the purchases you did not receive tokens for and e-mail them to us as an attachment.

Adrien Setsuna medal 5000 5 years 340 days ago
Have you received my mail? Because i have nothing news.

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 5 years 340 days ago
Hi Adrien,
I don't have access to the support mailbox, I'll try to bring it to their attention again.

Adrien Setsuna medal 5000 5 years 340 days ago
Ok. Sorry. Thx for your help.