Sean O'Callaghan medal 5438 5 years 339 days ago (Last edited by
Sean O'Callaghan 5 years 339 days ago)
What did you try to do?
Post on the league wall (great race tonight guys, it's getting compeXiXive out there) put in t where the X is!!!!
What happened instead?
Notice about Vulgarity
Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?
Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?
What is the model of your device?
Lenovo TB-X304F
Laptop - Google Chrome
What is the operating system?
What is the version number of the operating system?
What operating system is your PC?
Windows 8.1
Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Google Chrome
Can the bug be reproduced?
Additional comments:

José Trujillo medal 5346
Community Manager 5 years 339 days ago
Reported to the developer team. I’ll keep the topic open to report updates on this problem/bug.

Brad Keller medal 5000 5 years 339 days ago
Had the same problem and it seems the word Sat ur day was the problem!!

Graeme Osborn medal 5000 5 years 339 days ago
Sam problem here b4. The message was to long to work out which word it was that it didnt like. Only one i could think of was Stupid and i removed that and it still did the same. So i really cant reply to this persons message till its all sorted out!

Brad Keller medal 5000 5 years 338 days ago
Yep seems to be thanks mate!

Memo Leiva medal 5000 5 years 338 days ago
I had the same issue when replying to a message; the sponsor's name "wtf1" was flagged as a vulgarity as well.