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Radio Messages

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medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago
In F1 teams hear other teams radio messages from the TV feed which obviously affects driver tactics. It would make racing much more realistic, tactical and personal if everytime the driver in front or behind me changed his driving style or was coming in for fuel a distinct message flashed up to this affect. This would also allow for bluffing which also occurs in F1.
medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago
I would really this to happen but one problem is how would we communicate to them.
medal 5000
5 years 326 days ago

I would really this to happen but one problem is how would we communicate to them.

When the other player who is behind or in front presses his driving style or activates an early pit stop maybe an alert to that effect would flash in the infomessage at the top. i.e. "Smith pit" or "Smith push harder". You would be able to see quickly which driver, behind or in front it is from the name and then adjust your strategy in reply. Of course he could activate the pit in and then deactivate to bluff, or start pushing to make you think he's bringing his driver in. I think it would a great addition to the game.

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