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CD lvl 18 5 star

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medal 5000
5 years 303 days ago
Obviously with one of the big 4 as their strength and reliability or cooling as their weakness.
I've been scouring the transfer market for months now and cannot find one!

Literally copy and pasted what someone said below as I’m in the same boat.. so hard to find
medal 5000
5 years 303 days ago
5 stars are rare!! You do know that the performance difference is marginal to say the list. TD's on the other hand are by far much easier to come by. 
medal 5000
5 years 303 days ago
They are, I’ve got a TD, just need a 5 Star CD as I still have 43 races until I lvl up to a 19.

To show how annoying this game is, I had the perfect CD show up in the transfer market, reliability/accel but was lvl 19 so I couldn’t buy it.. frustrating 
medal 5000
5 years 302 days ago
That's strange, because you're only suppose to see in the market transfer what you're able to buy according to your level. 
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