Jack Jeffreys medal 5000 12 years 122 days ago
At the moment, targets are set for specfic drivers in your team eg. win with Joe Bloggs and get 3rd with Sam Harns.
Why can it be changed to something more open such as "get both cars in the top 3."
It would be more fun because you wouldn't have to switch drivers around as well as more realistic as no real race team gets its predictions down to definate postiions.
And while I'm here - team orders. Would it be possible to implement them. Not just make one driver push and another slow. A button that actually makes them move out of the way and let them through.
It could even have a prancing horse on it!

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 122 days ago
I agree, in my league, it is rare to get repeat winners unless you have a 100% car for winning the first few races.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 122 days ago
yes frustrating blowing a load of kers when drivers on different strats and need positions swapped or for drivers champ etc, id like that option for swapping possitions.

James Young medal 5000 12 years 122 days ago
I wouldn't just like this for teammates, but just a button to tell either of your drivers to let the next driver through. It's a bit maddening to have to toy with push levels just because someone on a different but ultimately slower strategy is coming up behind and you don't want your driver wasting the car defending from someone you're going to beat anyway.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 122 days ago
Yeah I've never really understood the "let your teammate pass" option in the advanced strategy. It's never worked for me, even if I 1/5 the driver who has that option ticked and 5/5 the driver who doesn't have it ticked, they still just sit behind them and burn up their tyres.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 121 days ago
There is a very good chance that the 'Let your teammate pass' is an unimplimented or broken feature.