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General league system

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medal 5000
5 years 317 days ago
I cannot resist the impression that iGP would be much more interesting if we had one big league system like in the managerzone, just as an example. It is hard to find real motivation if leagues are custom and separated, to be honest.

So, for example, we have one tier 1 league with 22 the best of the best players (equivalent of the real F1); then like four tier 2 leagues (could be named "F2", champions of each advances into F1); then like sixteen tier 3 leagues ("F3", champions advance to F2); then F4, F5... and so on, and so on. Or after F3 we could have country championship - champions of each country advances to general F3 league. Whatsoever, I think you already got my point.

Won't you agree that such a system delivers such a great motivation to play and progress? Honestly, I love the idea of the game, but current league system is not able to keep me here for a very long.
medal 5144 Super Mod
5 years 317 days ago
Your idea has been mentioned a few times before but the problem is that iGP is played all over the world so the leagues would have to be regional because of time zones.

Then you have the issue of race times. Most managers choose a league that races at a time that fits their personal circumstances and in some cases they choose leagues that don't race on certain days. One big league, even if it were regional, wouldn't necessarily race at a time or on days that are suitable for many managers. So the idea of a league with 22 of the very best managers would become a regional league with 22 of the best managers who are available to race at that time... Not quite what you are trying to achieve.

There already exists a league which is exclusively Elite tier and aimed at the top managers in the game, it's called League of Legends. When you get to Elite and a Reputation rating of over 9000 try sending the host a message, they may have a space available for you.
medal 5000
5 years 317 days ago (Last edited by Jacek Ha 5 years 317 days ago)
Well, even tho there would be a lot of tradeoffs (for example regionalization) - to me it is worth it. I would prefer to play in a centralized league and have to adopt into specific time.

Maybe a good balance would be to organize races in a different time periods (like F1 in real life) to cover all globe timezones best - why not? Or maybe different divisions inside one league would be separated by the time they race - so you will choose between 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 00? For "F1" in that case it wouldn't be a problem I suppose, as the best of the best players are into the game so much that they can adopt into various hours with pleasure ;).

Or, even better, maybe it is a good idea to run both league systems? Those who don't want to have centralized system and adopt into the race datetime could still play as it is now, in a private leagues.
medal 5506
5 years 315 days ago (Last edited by Bastian Ba 5 years 315 days ago)
I like the idea of having a lot of different competitors and plenty of promotions and progress. 
But has a couple of issues, which makes it nearly impossible to implement.
1. you would race the first couple of seasons just against computers, because plenty of people start and don't follow through, at the moment you are able to change to an active league. I did that for example. In another game, which was build like you described, i had the same issue and i could not change, so i stopped playing.
2. the time zone problem, igp is played around the globe and poeple chose a league how it fits to their life.
Are you able to play at 8 pm New York time? would be around 2 am european.
When you look in Detail on the F1 schedule then you See it is fitted to europe, because it is the Biggest market. They race between 6 am and 8 pm european Time, 8 pm for example is Night for Asia or Australia. 
If and just if there must be 10 1. leagues, for different parts of the World and different times.
Thats similar how it is now. Everyone can switch to a stronger league.
medal 5000
5 years 315 days ago
Thanks for the help
medal 5000
5 years 312 days ago
I got y'all point, but still:
League system is already regionalized and completely parted - people from different continents joins their timezone's leagues. So why couldn't we do regionalized general league system? It could be per country / per continent, and still will be a lot more of fun and fight.

I think the thing which you point as the biggest issue isn't an issue at all - otherwise we have the same issues now.

Plus, maybe there is a way to have two systems at the same time. Would be so cool to be part of a bigger league with lots of possible promotions.
medal 5506
5 years 312 days ago
1. it is an issue i want to be online as often as possible.  i am able to do this between 6 and 7 pm race start, all the other times i would miss 2-5 races a Week and so being not competitive and i would stop playing. between 6 and 7 i can manage to attend 14+ per season. I often read about similar situation from other people searching for a league at a specific Time.
2. as i mentioned in point 1 in the previous post you would race against inactive players solely for the first couple of seasons and even more players would stop after a few races, like it happened to me in another game. Because it is boring without competitors.
so there must be plenty of adjustments be made and there must be plenty of leagues for each region. which is not that different than the current system.
medal 5000
5 years 312 days ago
Time zone, race speed Nd duration create an issue here. Should leagues have more levels is potentially a talking point.  Some leagues could cope with 2 or 3 more levels.  So 1 elite, 2 pro and 2 rookie....potentially 4.

But times of races are normally the deciding factor
medal 5000
5 years 302 days ago
Inthink time zone could be big problem in this. . For example... Im from Czech ... My league start at 21:30 in my time zine... At japan is 5 am... I cannot start at 14 hours (middle of)
If could be regional... I cannot start at 18 o clock with German, British or another European.... Im happy with start at 21:30 and if game will start f. E. At 18 i cannot race... :(
I think many managers could have that same problems....
And more... Im happy .. We have czech community in league, my friend driving too...
Im really hapoy with this system... So... Better could be if league have for exampke 5 levels... Rookie amateur semi pro pro and elite.... And be reduced... It could be betrer i think but one big league inst so much good idea
medal 4983 Moderator
5 years 302 days ago
It's not only time, it's also days. The times I can make it almost every week is a 3-4 hour time slot in the evening on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. All the other days I don't have time most weeks and any league system I'd have to miss half the races would be pointless for me to participate in as I just wouldn't be competitive. So for me the current league system works due to its flexibility (even though I can't race in some leagues I'd would like to visit), but, despite its appeal, a general league would not, at least not in a game which puts any weight into live managing.
medal 5000
5 years 276 days ago
How about setting up a number of league pyramids, perhaps 24 separate pyramids. One for each hour. That way people’s lication/time zone would be covered by one of the leagues. 
Looking at the number if races for each hour slot at present should more then justify it. Perhaps only being able to join it after completing minimum 1 season outside the pyramid, to avoid too many drop outs. It would also require a wait to join until the season finishes. again people willing to wait would be unlikely to drop out.
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