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In-House Tire rules

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medal 5000
5 years 316 days ago
Has any league tried or is currently running with an in-house rule where any compound can only be used once during a race?
medal 5000
5 years 316 days ago (Last edited by Hamlet Rodriguez 5 years 315 days ago)
Hmmm.....I can't say I've heard of anyone using that rule...The strategy would be to try to guess when other managers would use the same or weaker compound than you. Being at live races suddenly plays a huge advantage because you can change stint strategies on the fly.  
medal 5000
5 years 315 days ago (Last edited by Memo Leiva 5 years 315 days ago)
Wow....Suddenly I'm more intrigued to see how it would play out... I might create a league with this rule to see it through. 

ok....If given this rule a shot intrigues you even a little, find a way to join my newly created league solely to test the outcome of such rule.  

Speed Obsession Disorder  
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