Flavio Vicente 5000 12 years 100 days ago (edited 12 years 100 days ago)
Hi, my league is frozen, at least the professional group. When I go to the "home page", it shows the link to live race. The race should have happened 2 days ago, but it didn't start ( it should be the last race of the season, on december 4th), and the link to the live race is still there, frozen. My new season should be starting today, but we are still frozen in the last race...
good evening, tonight after the race on http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=league-info/814#tab1 my homepage has more updated and remains locked as if the race was still in progress.I tried to go out and redo the login but nothing has changed, even changing browser or pc is the same thing, can you help me?
There are about 5 races that are stuck at the moment, we're aware of them and they will be postponed to the next available slot because they have been like that for a couple of hours now. They are all frozen in the pre-race state. The post-race freezes were easy to resolve by simply prompting the site to insert the data.
We've identified the weak link in the chain and are working to fix it. This may even be related to the simulator crashes of past weeks, at least I hope so because it would mean we've finally pinned that down too.