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What Do Doctors Do In IGP

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medal 5000
5 years 295 days ago
1)Does anyone know what doctors do?
2)What is the purpose of having staff morale
medal 5437 Super Mod
5 years 295 days ago
To answer your doctor question, 
Doctors reduce the amount of health required  for each traning session. The more stars, the less health it takes! I hope this helps. 
medal 5000
5 years 295 days ago
Hi Emmanuel :-)

The role of the Doctor influences how much Health your Driver(s) lose per Training. They are based relative to your level:

5 star rating: -10% Health
4 - 4.5 star rating: -11% Health
3 - 3.5 star rating: -12% Health
2 - 2.5 star rating: -13% Health
0 - 1.5 star rating: -14% Health

Morale has no influence on Staff, but can have a small influence for Drivers.

Hope that helps! ;)
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