B.O. Redmeijer medal 5000 12 years 94 days ago
One of the things you can do is comment on the drivers and your staf. Two positive and 3 more or less negative options. I, of course, am gushing about them all. It does cost nothing, it boosts their satisfaction, and they *are* the best (that I could afford).
What is not clear to me is why you would comment negative on your driver or staf, or why you would comment less then maximal. Does it have negative consequences if you are enthousiast while your driver is finishing last? Are there any positive consequences of being honest, and telling the world your driver would be better of playing chess?
If not, what is the use of the different options in the game?

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 94 days ago
I commented on opposition's drivers to annoy them. :)

Jon Denton medal 5000 12 years 94 days ago
I don't know tbh, but I have noticed that one of my drivers doesn't seem to be as fast since i said he was great, like he's too comfortable or something.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 94 days ago
I'm sure this will be revamped to include a more dynamic system.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 12 years 94 days ago
This is one of those areas of the game that was a nice idea but very low priority compared to other areas when it was implemented. So it is overly simplistic as a result, and will need a bit of a revamp in future, as David pointed out.

Lewis Goodway medal 4920 12 years 94 days ago
We could have a managers press conference XD Which could be used to unsettle other teams drivers but could risk in annoying your own and making them want to leave and not renew there contracts.

Jeff Royle medal 5000 12 years 94 days ago
Would be fun to create driver vs driver rivalry as hinted above by Alin. Otherwise, unless you have a personal fight with your driver (which I hope no one has...) then you'd be unlikely to negative comment your own driver. Perhaps the system should only allow you to comment on one driver instead of both, forcing you to decide who gets a temporary ego boost or something like that. Definitely a low priority area of the game that could be made interesting down the road.