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V8 Supercars Australia Development Results

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medal 5000
5 years 291 days ago (Last edited by Brad Keller 5 years 153 days ago)
This is the V8 Supercars Development League Results page.

Season 5 Results:

Australia: Nicholas Kelly for Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) won by 3.912 seconds
Malaysian: Angus Ryan for Red Devil Racing (Stu Lumsden) won by 0.456 of a second
China: Angus Ryan for Red Devil Racing (Stu Lumsden) won by 6.094 seconds
Bahrain: Angus Ryan for Red Devil Racing (Stu Lumsden) won by 2.631 seconds
Spain: Angus Ryan for Red Devil Racing (Stu Lumsden) won by 6.018 seconds
Monaco: Todd Hazelwood for Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) won by 5.034 seconds
Canada: William Wilson for Red Devil Racing (Stu Lumsden) won by 4.038 seconds
Great Britain: 
Abu Dhabi: 

Australia: William Brown for Jurassic Park Racing (Ricky Bobby) won by 3.312 seconds
Malaysian: William Brown for Jurassic Park Racing (Ricky Bobby) won by 4.944 seconds
China: William Brown for Jurassic Park Racing (Ricky Bobby) won by 14.242 seconds
Bahrain: Angus Lee for Erebus Racing (Graeme Anderson) won by 6.022 seconds
Spain: Viktor Martinni for TLRace (Thomas Loeschner) won by 6.845 seconds
Monaco: William Brown for Jurassic Park Racing (Ricky Bobby) won by 11.020 seconds
Canada: Adrien Robert for TLRace (Thomas Loeschner) won by 10.421 seconds
Great Britain: 
Abu Dhabi:

Australia: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 21.071 seconds
Malaysian: Alexander Brown for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 0.507 of a second
China: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 6.433 seconds
Bahrain: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 1.269 seconds
Spain: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 8.467 seconds
Monaco: Massimo Gallo for JAZ (Jason Zane) won by 23.986 seconds
Canada: Ryan Ryan for SuperRoo (Super Roo) won by 3.696 seconds
Great Britain: 
Abu Dhabi:

medal 5000
5 years 287 days ago

Season 1 has been run and done and you winners were:

Teams Champion
1st: Pantani Bianchi Racing (Martin Tierney) 350 pts
2nd: JPS Team BMW (Connor Holgate) 350 pts
3rd: Apollo Racing (Tom Dare) 199 pts

Drivers Champion:
1st: Luke Williams for JPS Team BMW (Conor Holgate) 195 pts
2nd: Oliver Button for Pantani Bianchi Racing (Martin Tierney) 155 pts
3rd: Michael Roberts for Pantani Bianchi Racing (Martin Tierney) 131 pts

Teams Champion

1st: Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) 516 pts
2nd: Naughty Nic (Todd Wigzell) 417 pts
3rd: The Hopefulls (Ryan Jones) 374 pts

Drivers Champion:
1st: Daniel Ryan for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) 255 pts
2nd: Ethan Roberts for The Hopefulls (Ryan Jones) 183 pts
3rd: Luke Smith for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) 180 pts

Teams Champion

1st: Keller Racing (Brad Keller) 392 pts
2nd: Milwaukee Racing (James McFadden) 336 pts
3rd: Falland Racing (Keke Falland) 334 pts
4th: Tickford Racing (Shannon Barry) 334 pts

Drivers Champion:

1st: Liam Moss for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) 164 pts
2nd: Jessica Brabham for Milwaukee Racing (James McFadden) 152 pts
3rd: Mitchell Kelly for Keller Racing (Brad Keller) 132 pts

medal 5000
5 years 251 days ago

Season 2 Champions:

Teams Champion
1st: Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) 682 pts
2nd:Gibson Winfield Red Racing (Ryan Duke) 469 pts
3rd: JPS Team BMW (Connor Holgate) 314 pts

Drivers Champion:
1st: Rudolf Dudas for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) 376 pts
2nd: Luca Gelli for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) 306 pts 
3rd: Riley Harris for Gibson Winfield Red Racing (Ryan Duke) 237 pts

Teams Champion
1st: Naughty Nic (Todd Wigzell) 364 pts
2nd: Beyondblue Challenge (Graeme Osborn II) 360 pts
3rd: The Hopefulls (Ryan Jones) 359 pts

Drivers Champion:
1st: Luke Ryan for Naughty Nic (Todd Wigzell) 206 pts
2nd: Ethan Roberts for The Hopefulls (Ryan Jones) 196 pts
3rd: Mitchell Kelly for Keller Racing (Brad Keller) 170 pts

Teams Champion
1st: BMS Racing (Beau Silvey) 517 pts
2nd: Colbert Motorsport (Denis Colbert) 454 pts
3rd: Rocketship Industries (Anthony Anderson) 260 pts

Drivers Champion:
1st: Ethan Lee for BMS Racing (Beau Silvey) 272 pts
2nd: Nicholas Webber for BMS Racing (Beau Silvey) 245 pts
3rd: Diego Flores for Colbert Motorsport (Denis Colbert) 239 pts

Season 2 Results:

Australia: Luca Gelli for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 1.481 seconds
Malaysian: Rudolf Dudas for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 18.952 seconds
China: Paige King for Gibson Winfield Red Racing (Ryan Duke) won by 10.610 seconds
Bahrain: Rudolf Dudas for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 15.850 seconds
Spain: Luca Gelli for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 2.077 seconds
Monaco: Riley Harris for Gibson Winfield Red Racing (Ryan Duke) won by 22.894 seconds
Turkey: Rudolf Dudas for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 1.091 seconds
Great Britain: Rudolf Dudas for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 14.734 seconds
Germany: Luca Gelli for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 16.152 seconds
Hungary: Rudolf Dudas for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 1.152 seconds
Europe: Rudolf Dudas for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 6.764 seconds
Belgium: Rudolf Dudas for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 12.254 seconds
Italy: Rudolf Dudas for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 0.287 of a second
Singapore: Rudolf Dudas for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 18.067 seconds
Japan: Rudolf Dudas for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 10.466 seconds
Brazil: Rudolf Dudas for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 0.858 of a second
Abu Dhabi: Rudolf Dudas for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 1.188 seconds

Australia: Luke Ryan for Naughty Nic (Todd Wigzell) won by 6.647 seconds
Malaysian: Dylan Button for Milwaukee Racing (James McFadden) won by 1.547 seconds
China: Liam Moss for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 11.034 seconds
Bahrain: Jamie Moss for The Hopefulls (Ryan Jones) won by 5.505 seconds
Spain: Ethan Roberts for The Hopefulls (Ryan Jones) won by 0.636 of a second
Monaco: Luke Smith for Beyondblue Challenge (Graeme Osborn II) won by 1.650 seconds
Turkey: Luke Ryan for Naughty Nic (Todd Wigzell) won by 3.936 seconds
Great Britain: Zoe Taylor for Naughty Nic (Todd Wigzell) won by 0.759 of a second
Germany: Luke Ryan for Naughty Nic (Todd Wigzell) won by 1.724 seconds
Hungary: Zoe Taylor for Naughty Nic (Todd Wigzell) won by 17.739 seconds
Europe: Liam Moss for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 2.005 seconds
Belgium: Mitchell Kelly for Keller Racing (Brad Keller) won by 1.371 seconds
Italy: Ethan Thompson for Beyondblue Challenge (Graeme Osborn II) won by 0.324 of a second
Singapore: Jordan Harris for Beyondblue Challenge (Graeme Osborn II) won by 6.714 seconds
Japan: Ethan Roberts for The Hopefulls (Ryan Jones) won by 2.340 seconds
Brazil: Ethan Roberts for The Hopefulls (Ryan Jones) won by 11.689 seconds
Abu Dhabi: Ethan Thompson for Beyondblue Challenge (Graeme Osborn II) won by 4.161 seconds

Australia: Ethan Lee for BMS Racing (Beau Silvey) won by 1.346 seconds
Malaysian: Nicholas Webber for BMS Racing (Beau Silvey) won by 3.656 seconds
China: Nicholas Webber for BMS Racing (Beau Silvey) won by 3.581 seconds
Bahrain: Anthony Tambay for Freer Fire Motorsport (Jackson Freer) won by 0.511 of a second
Spain: Ethan Lee for BMS Racing (Beau Silvey) won by 9.025 seconds
Monaco: Ethan Lee for BMS Racing (Beau Silvey) won by 4.113 seconds
Turkey: Nicholas Webber for BMS Racing (Beau Silvey) won by 15.087 seconds
Great Britain: Marcos Ambrose for Colbert Motorsport (Denis Colbert) won by 1.442 seconds
Germany: Diego Flores for Colbert Motorsport (Denis Colbert) won by 14.188 seconds
Hungary: Lauren Hill for Rocketship Industries (Anthony Anderson) won by 11.038 seconds (first win in the league)
Europe: Diego Flores for Colbert Motorsport (Denis Colbert) won by 30.902 seconds
Belgium: Ethan Lee for BMS Racing (Beau Silvey) won by 23.076 seconds
Italy: Anthony Tambay for Freer Fire Motorsport (Jackson Freer) won by 13.603 seconds
Singapore: Diego Flores for Colbert Motorsport (Denis Colbert) won by 2.731 seconds
Japan: Nicholas Webber for BMS Racing (Beau Silvey) won by 8.037 seconds
Brazil: Marcos Ambrose for Colbert Motorsport (Denis Colbert) won by 2.197 seconds
Abu Dhabi: Diego Flores for Colbert Motorsport (Denis Colbert) won by 21.464 seconds
medal 5000
5 years 210 days ago (Last edited by Brad Keller 5 years 210 days ago)
Season 3 Champions:

Teams Champion
1st: Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) 392pts
2nd: Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) 378pts
3rd: Naughty Nic (Todd Wigzell) 339pts

Drivers Champion:
1st:  Todd Hazelwood for Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) 234pts
2nd: Ethan Thompson for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) 215pts
3rd: Joshua Lee for Naughty Nic (Todd Wigzell) 173pts

Teams Champion
1st: Keller Racing (Brad Keller) 475pts
2nd: Flying High (Mat Egle) 466pts
3rd: Falland Racing (Keke Falland) 462pts

Drivers Champion:
1st: Mitchell Kelly for Keller Racing (Brad Keller) 264pts
2nd: James Thomas for Flying High (Mat Egle) 254 pts
3rd: Cooper Walker for Falland Racing (Keke Falland)/ Tyson Wilson for Falland Racing (Keke Falland)  231pts 

Teams Champion
1st: TLRace (Thomas Loeschner) 564pts
2nd: Seahawks (Felix Rosner) 326pts
3rd: SHM Racing (Sam Mc) 264pts

Drivers Champion:
1st: Adrien Robert for TLRace (Thomas Loeschner) 317pts
2nd: Mathieu Dupont for TLRace (Thomas Loeschner) 217pts
3rd: Juan Pablo Sinisteera for Seahawks (Felix Rosner) 204pts

Season 3 Results:

Australia: Tim Maier for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 1.704 seconds
Malaysian: Sonja Fischer for Steinmann Schnell (Torsten Schaab) won by 1.907 seconds
China: Todd Hazelwood for Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) won by 2.236 seconds
Bahrain: Joshua Lee for Naughty Nic (Todd Wigzell) won by 3.178 seconds
Spain: Ethan Thompson for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) won by 4.802 seconds
Monaco: Paige King for Gibson Winfield Red Racing (Ryan Duke) won by 18.363 seconds
Turkey: Ethan Roberts for The Hopefulls (Ryan Jones) won by 1.515 seconds
Great Britain: Todd Hazelwood for Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) won by 4.166 seconds
Germany: Todd Hazelwood for Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) won by 7.394 seconds
Hungary: Paige King for Gibson Winfield Red Racing (Ryan Duke) won by 16.153 seconds
Abu Dhabi: Nicholas Kelly for Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) won by 11.760 seconds

Australia: Mitchell Ryan for Keller Racing (Brad Keller) won by 2.024 seconds
Malaysian: Mitchell Kelly for Keller Racing (Brad Keller) won by 7.542 seconds
China: Mitchell Kelly for Keller Racing (Brad Keller) won by 4.688 seconds
Bahrain: Mitchell Kelly for Keller Racing (Brad Keller) won by 7.210 seconds
Spain: Cooper Walker for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 2.026 seconds
Monaco: Tyson Wilson for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 1.876 seconds
Turkey: Luke Smith for Flying High (Mat Egle) won by 2.016 seconds
Great Britain: Cooper Walker for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 3.000 seconds
Germany: Mitchell Ryan for Keller Racing (Brad Keller) won by 1.345 seconds
Hungary: Luke Smith for Flying High (Mat Egle) won by 4.618 seconds
Abu Dhabi: Cooper Walker for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 6.482 seconds

Australia: Juan Pablo Sinisteera for Seahawks (Felix Rosner) won by 13.217 seconds (first win in our league)
Malaysian: Adrien Robert for TLRace (Thomas Loeschner) won by 5.463 seconds (first win in our league)
China: Adrien Robert for TLRace (Thomas Loeschner) won by 4.707 seconds
Bahrain: Liam White for Triple 8 racing (Zac Pricey) won by 19.026 seconds
Spain: Adrien Robert for TLRace (Thomas Loeschner) won by 15.539 seconds
Monaco: Juan Pablo Sinisteera for Seahawks (Felix Rosner) won by 23.721 seconds
Turkey: Adrien Robert for TLRace (Thomas Loeschner) won by 8.540 seconds
Great Britain: Adrien Robert for TLRace (Thomas Loeschner) won by 11.938 seconds
Germany: Adrien Robert for TLRace (Thomas Loeschner) won by 1.460 seconds
Hungary: Juan Pablo Sinisteera for Seahawks (Felix Rosner) won by 0.734 of a second
Abu Dhabi: Alexander Brown for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 0.138 of a second
medal 5000
5 years 169 days ago
 Season 4 Champions:

Teams Champion
1st: Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II)  498pts
2nd: Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) 376pts
3rd: Red Devil Racing (Stu Lumsden) 312pts

Drivers Champion:
1st:  Jake Robinson for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) 291pts
2nd: Nicholas Kelly for Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) 208pts
3rd: William King for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) 207pts

Teams Champion
1st: Tickford Racing (Shannon Barry) 594pts
2nd: Falland Racing (Keke Falland) 571pts
3rd: Erebus Racing (Graeme Anderson) 221pts

Drivers Champion:
1st: Tyson Anderson for Tickford Racing (Shannon Barry) 344pts
2nd: James Thompson for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) 301pts
3rd: Harrison Harris for Falland Racing (Keke Falland)  270pts 

Teams Champion
1st: SHM Racing (Sam Mc)  709pts
2nd: JAZ (Jason Zane) 304pts
3rd: BR Development (Jim Boss Jr) 247pts

Drivers Champion:
1st: Alexander Brown for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) 336pts
2nd: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) 304pts
3rd: Ethan Thomas for JAZ (Jason Zane) 162pts

Season 4 Results:

Australia: Jake Robinson for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) won by 5.073 seconds
Malaysian: Jake Robinson for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) won by 3.122 seconds
China: Angus Ryan for Red Devil Racing (Stu Lumsden) won by 3.381 seconds
Bahrain: Nicholas Kelly for Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) won by 0.153 of a second
Spain: Jake Robinson for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) won by 12.936 seconds
Monaco: Luis Romero for DarkEagle Racing (Oggi A) won by 12.617 seconds
Turkey: Benjamin Button for Aero Motorsport (Aaron Malcolm) won by 4.563 seconds
Great Britain: Angus Ryan for Red Devil Racing (Stu Lumsden) won by 25.295 seconds
Germany: Jake Robinson for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) won by 1.525 seconds
Hungary: William King for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) won by 0.514 of a second
Europe: Jake Robinson for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) won by 10.675 seconds
Belgium: Nicholas Kelly for Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) won by 1.917 seconds
Italy: William Wilson for Red Devil Racing (Stu Lumsden) won by 1.325 seconds
Singapore: Jake Robinson for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) won by 5.343 seconds
Japan: William King for Beyondblue Challange (Graeme Osborn II) won by 0.514 of a second
Brazil: Todd Hazelwood for Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) won by 6.695 seconds
Abu Dhabi: Todd Hazelwood for Arrow50 (Lachie Frampton) won by 4.133 seconds

Australia: Harrison Harris for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 1.354 seconds
Malaysian: Harrison Harris for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 1.522 seconds
China: Tyson Anderson for Tickford Racing (Shannon Barry) won by 11.389 seconds
Bahrain: Tyson Anderson for Tickford Racing (Shannon Barry) won by 4.601 seconds
Spain: James Thompson for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 0.496 of a second
Monaco: James Thompson for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 2.245 seconds
Turkey: Harrison Harris for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 6.216 seconds
Great Britain: Juan Pablo Sinisteera for Seahawks (Felix Rosner) won by 1.488 seconds
Germany: Tyson Anderson for Tickford Racing (Shannon Barry) won by 4.466 seconds
Hungary: James Thompson for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 1.951 seconds
Europe: Tyson Anderson for Tickford Racing (Shannon Barry) won by 13.439 seconds
Belgium: Tyson Anderson for Tickford Racing (Shannon Barry) won by 1.836 seconds
Italy: Tyson Anderson for Tickford Racing (Shannon Barry) won by 0.418 of a second
Singapore: James Thompson for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 4.301 seconds
Japan: James Thompson for Falland Racing (Keke Falland) won by 2.014 seconds
Brazil: Tyson Anderson for Tickford Racing (Shannon Barry) won by 11.406 seconds
Abu Dhabi: Thomas Martin for Tickford Racing (Shannon Barry) won by 9.542 seconds

Australia: Alexander Brown for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 2.878 seconds
Malaysian: Alexander Brown for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by  8.603 seconds
China: Alexander Brown for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 19.068 seconds
Bahrain: Harrison Williams for BR Development (James Reid) won by 6.399 seconds
Spain: Alexander Brown for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 10.964 seconds
Monaco: Alexander Brown for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 0.283 of a second
Turkey: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 11.538 seconds
Great Britain: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 27.175 seconds
Germany: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 11.854 seconds
Hungary: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 9.349 seconds
Europe: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 20.739 seconds
Belgium: Alexander Brown for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 4.901 seconds
Italy: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 5.152 seconds
Singapore: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 1.241 seconds
Japan: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 1.447 seconds
Brazil: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 11.915 seconds
Abu Dhabi: Shootski Scoreski Goalski for SHM Racing (Sam Mc) won by 11.366 seconds

medal 5000
5 years 153 days ago
Results updated!!
medal 5000
5 years 151 days ago
Can this whole post please be removed as i have handed over all the running of this league to someone else. It will not be needed anymore as they have all the information.
medal 5000
5 years 118 days ago
Good job guys nice to see the Aussies giving it a go!
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