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User Preset Tyre Setup

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medal 5000
5 years 293 days ago
It's not always possible to set up due to unforeseen circumstances so why couldn't we have a user default setup instead of the usual medium tyre one. Maybe there could be an option to change this to our own preference. This would also be useful when a two tyre rule is in place like the league I race in. If I can't setup I risk getting penalized but a preset option would avoid this.
medal 5717
5 years 293 days ago
Hiya Malcome.

Just an insight into how some players manage their set-ups. 

Most managers keep a log of ideal setups, tyre stint details along with fuel usage data, after a period of time, they have enough data that will allow them to set up for races at any time between races.(mostly just after running the previous race) Most go for stint fuel levels based on this data rather than the recommended laps shown, n I can speak from experience that it is more accurate as I will only have somewhere between -0.1 to 0.7lt of fuel left on any stint.

Based on the info above, it would not be necessary to rely on any default setups to be put on your car.

Hope this answers your question somewhat.

Regards Sean.
medal 5000
5 years 293 days ago
I just started actually collecting said data.... I've been doing it by pure memory....and yea.... not working so well when one moves up to compete against smarter managers(game's vet) like yourself  Sean. 

We have a great group in my elite league....we share openly during live races and understand what's a stake; everyone's progress for everyone's benefit. 

Thanks for sharing and reassuring I'm on the right track... 

happy gaming!!

@ Malcolm;
 A solid advice from Sean. Especially once you become aware every top manager has made this process part of their daily ritual.  

Good luck Malcolm and keep asking questions.
medal 5000
5 years 292 days ago
I think you missed the point. If 'life' gets in the way and I cannot spend time opening thegame and re setting up as was the case yesterday when my boy fell off the rope swing the game automatically averages out the laps and selects medium tyres. In my league I'm penalized for using all the same tyres. So what I'm suggesting is that I decide what the default tyres are instead of the 4 medium tyres. Then if I can't get to set up I might have a rubbish race but I won't be penalized.
medal 5000
5 years 292 days ago
In all fairness; it takes 5mins to setup and you have 24hrs to do so. Do a poo; do your setup! Problem solved ;)
medal 5000
5 years 292 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 5 years 292 days ago)
In all fairness; it takes 5mins to setup and you have 24hrs to do so. Do a poo; do your setup! Problem solved ;)

Yeah, the five minutes before the race. Like any serious manager you know rain or conditions can totally change your setup and destroy your race so if you're playing seriously you're gonna wait until the last 10/20 minutes. To get the optimum set up and correct tyres. Don't see the difficulty in each player having a default set up to avoid being penalized. But hey ho... 
OR... Dan, Dan, Dan! Your last set up is your default for the next race. Either way... simples. 
medal 5000
5 years 292 days ago
i like the idea. 

In the short-term perhaps your league should make anyone who doesn’t do a setup exempt from penalties. That’s what we do in our league. 

2 tyre rule only applies if they have done a setup. 

If you don’t do a setup and run Mediums all race, you’ll likely get whooped, so the rule would likely be agreeable by everyone. 
medal 5000
5 years 292 days ago

I think you missed the point. If 'life' gets in the way and I cannot spend time opening thegame and re setting up as was the case yesterday when my boy fell off the rope swing the game automatically averages out the laps and selects medium tyres. In my league I'm penalized for using all the same tyres. So what I'm suggesting is that I decide what the default tyres are instead of the 4 medium tyres. Then if I can't get to set up I might have a rubbish race but I won't be penalized.

First and foremost; I hope your boy is feeling better. I have 3 kids of my own and can appreciate your dilema. 

OK, so indeed I did miss your point.    

Like Simon mentioned already; your league host should be reasonable when applying penalties. For obvious reasons like the ones Simon already mentioned. 

But something tells me that's not your end goal here.   

"why couldn't we have a user default setup instead of the usual medium tyre one. Maybe there could be an option to change this to our own preference." 

If we had such a mechanism in place there wouldn't be much advantage to show up at live races in general. 

Off Topic...
I understand life happens...we all need to prioritize our schedules. When the opportunity presents itself I rather do other things than be at a iGP race. whether is work, family or falling asleep on the couch, there is only so much we can control. Personally I don't feel missing 25-33% of the races will be detrimental especially if I'm not competing for the championship. The fun for me is finding variables I can control and factor them into my race strategy.  
medal 4538
5 years 258 days ago
Basically that's life happens to everyone. We cant all make every single race. so he/she who puts the most time in should have more chance of winning.not a default for when we cant show up
medal 5000
5 years 258 days ago
So heres the cool thing. Here lately the game has been resetting peoples tires setup to the default setup after they have set up ahead of time & then not been able to be at the race. 
His solution would naje it ok if that happened,  plus if people dropped out but didn't leave they would have a default setup that fit the 2 tire rule.
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