Colin Christopher medal 5000 12 years 89 days ago
First race I try to enter and this happens:
Error 503 Service UnavailableService UnavailableGuru Meditation:XID: 2108389331Varnish cache server
OK, I'm guessing not good and first impressions aren't exacty brilliant........please help, I'm guessing not everyone get this issue as u wouldn't have any members

Bertram Redmeijer medal 5000 12 years 89 days ago
Same here, thought I made a post about it, but it has disappeared (or I just didnt save it).
This was a 20:30 local (19:30 GMT) race. No qual times, no grid, no 2D viewer or time view. It does tell me the race is Live!, but no go....

Bertram Redmeijer medal 5000 12 years 89 days ago
OK, for some reason the race went off an hour later then I expected - though qual started on the time I thought it would. Did I mess up time zones again - not unlikely....

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 12 years 89 days ago