Ligas Brasileiras - dúvidawarningThis thread is closed. Threads older than 6 weeks are closed automatically. To continue this discussion, create a new thread.
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Waldecir Wobeto medal 5000 5 years 213 days ago (Last edited by
Gustavo Heiden 5 years 213 days ago)
Alguma liga com brasileiros?
José Mansan medal 5000 5 years 213 days ago
Essa aqui =)
MTWTFSS at 01:00 |
100% race distance igp-car 1 car per team 2.0x race speed |
| Rookie | Pro | Elite |
Teams | 24 | 0 | 11 |
Reputation | 5000 | 5018 | 5057 |
See league Wallace S. M. medal 5568 5 years 213 days ago
MTWTFSS at 23:00 |
75% race distance igp-car 1 car per team 2.0x race speed |
| Rookie | Pro | Elite |
Teams | 5 | 2 | 3 |
Reputation | 4998 | 5006 | 5019 |
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