Kieran Taylor medal 5000 5 years 241 days ago (Last edited by
Frank Thomas 5 years 238 days ago)
Hi I tried to change my settings but it will not allow me, the issue being I have a account through Facebook and by extension my email address, it seems I may of made an account through my email address probably on my laptop many a year ago, the account are obviously not synced, any help email address k***********
Frank Thomas medal 4985 Moderator 5 years 238 days ago (Last edited by
Frank Thomas 5 years 238 days ago)
Hello Kieran, option 1) would be emailing about your issue. If you can remember please add the details of the old account (Manager, Team name) and ask for it to be deleted.
Option 2) would be entering your email as login and recover the password if you don't already have access to your old account and change the email to something else (like add a 1 at the end), after that you can use the email address with your facebook account. You can also still access the other account using the fake address as login but obviously you can't recover a password anymore, so it's not recommended to use a not existing or inaccessible email on an account to keep.
I also edited your email as there're bots skimming the web and forums for them to add them to spamming lists or account hijacking purposes.