Robert Allen medal 5000 12 years 76 days ago
We are about to start a league with some friends and when I go look at the team listing. It shows some of us grouped together and highlighted blue, others in light blue and others in purple. What is it and what does it mean? Just wondering

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 76 days ago
Could you be more specific? I'm not sure what you are actually referring to. Are your Team Names on the Constructor lists in unusual colours?
Providing a screenshot could be helpful.

Robert Allen medal 5000 12 years 76 days ago
Not sure how to do a screen shot. However when you go into the league that your in by clicking the "league" tab. It brings you to the points standing in the league and list the teams and managers. There it shows everyone that is in the league. Five of us our highlingted almost a green color then a thin black line. Then six of us our ligth blue then thin black line and one guy is purple?

Robert Allen medal 5000 12 years 76 days ago
I figured it out lol, Here is what I am talking about.

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 75 days ago
You have promotions and relegations turned on. So basically, at the end of the season the green guys advance to the pro tier. You can turn them off though if you want. It's under the "Manage league" tab. You can only turn them off if you are the host, if you're not just get the host to do it if you want.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 75 days ago
Just remember if you turn off the promotions then you all stay in the same tier.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 75 days ago
Robert, you are colour blind bud :p
The top part is Green who are set to promote to the next tier at the end of the season.
The bottem part is Red, who are set to be demoted to the lower tier (nothing happens in rookie)

Robert Allen medal 5000 12 years 75 days ago
Yes, yes I am. I was kinda close. LMAO!! Sometimes i forget.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 73 days ago
And some computers colours aren't quite the same as what you are seeing David.