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Auction lossesh

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medal 5000
5 years 260 days ago
Hi, I don’t think the current auction system is fair.  In real life auctions, you only lose what you bid if you win.  It seems a bit much to lose out every time you place a bid.  Would you consider changing this in the next update?
Thanks, D
medal 5510 Super Mod
5 years 259 days ago
When you enter an auction, you should only lose tokens if you lose. This is only there to stop bigger teams with lots of tokens entering lots of auctions knowing that they don't lose tokens if they lose the auction. 
medal 5000
5 years 259 days ago
That doesn’t make sense as a deterrent...  if they enter lots auctions and they win all of them, then they  have to pay up and have loads of reserve crew. So there is no point in entering loads of auctions 
medal 5510 Super Mod
5 years 258 days ago
Having 2 of every staff is better than having one so entering loads of auctions could be beneficial for car performance but would probably result in a lot of debt from wages etc. 
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