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Loaning Drivers/Staff

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medal 5000
4 years 310 days ago
I think you should be able to loan drivers/staff from another team in your league (with both managers' permission of course).
The length and cost of these loans could be decided manager-manager through league wall, mail or Discord etc. 
For example,
Short term loan- 1/2 a season-1 season
Long term loan- 1-2 seasons
Price could be between 1 and 10 tokens. The longer the loan, the higher the price.
medal 5000
4 years 309 days ago
Interesting.. But no.  You want a better staff/driver? find/develop him/her! Imo, people with multiple accounts will have a far easier time developing their cars and setting up for new season's start up DP.  Especially when left to the control of the managers  involved.  
medal 5305
4 years 304 days ago
Very bad idea
I understand, u have several good staff on secondary account.
medal 5000
4 years 304 days ago
Awful idea and up for ridiculous manipulation 
medal 5441
4 years 304 days ago
We don't need to loan drivers in this game. The transfer system works fine
medal 5000
4 years 303 days ago

I think you should be able to loan drivers/staff from another team in your league (with both managers' permission of course).
The length and cost of these loans could be decided manager-manager through league wall, mail or Discord etc. 
For example,
Short term loan- 1/2 a season-1 season
Long term loan- 1-2 seasons
Price could be between 1 and 10 tokens. The longer the loan, the higher the price.

This idea may have lacked foundation Charles, but it allows the rest of the forum community to stop and think. 

Keep those ideas coming Charles.  

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