Scott Stephens medal 5000 12 years 67 days ago
I feel that the speed difference between DRS (on) and those infront of you is not enough. The rate that you may catch them or pass is not fast enough in my opinion. A car with no DRS on is to competative in a straight line.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 67 days ago
There could be a number of things that may effect your DRS.
[*]You are heavier, the car is carrying more fuel
[*]Your tire temperatures maybe too high or too low
[*]You may have component wear that is reducing your speed
[*]You could simply be far too far back, 0.999 seconds will never get you an overtake without a drs assist.
[*]Your driver's health maybe too low, and he is losing speed cause of it.
[*]Your tires maybe losing their grip and you lost traction.
Whatever the issue is, DRS is a little bit slow but not slow enough to be boosted.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 67 days ago
I disagree David. Dirty air in this game is way too punishing, to the extent where you can't get close enough to use DRS efficiently at any track without using kers aswell. The only time I can pass someone in DRS without using my kers is when a) the person is on blue tyres, b) the person isn't online to 5/5 to defend better, and c) the person is AFK and has severely overheated tyres.
All this said it doesn't need to change much, but there is some tweaking needed IMO.

Gary Collyer medal 5002 12 years 67 days ago
Monza DRS works well, i see cars overtaking on DRS alone there but thats the only place.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 67 days ago
Yeah Monza is alright I suppose. Malaysia isn't bad either. Places like Australia, Valencia, Bahrain etc, it might as well not exist tbh.

Normunds Kaposts medal 5000 12 years 67 days ago
Can U activate DRS if not playning 2D or it will go on automaticlly?

Andrey Zotov medal 5000 12 years 67 days ago
DRS always work automatically.

Normunds Kaposts medal 5000 12 years 67 days ago
:D :D Sorry , I mean KERS :D

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 67 days ago
Kers is automatic. If you have 2d, you have the option to control it manually

Sean Henry medal 5000 12 years 67 days ago
I agree with Jason the "dirty air" is way too strong. Even on the start of a race most times the leader can leave the pack even if he's not the fastest. It's like you can't stay close.

Jack Jeffreys medal 5000 12 years 67 days ago
'But in Places like Australia, Valencia, Bahrain etc, it might as well not exist tbh. '
In real Formula 1, DRS doesn't guarrantee an overtake. IGP shold reflect this

Liga Host medal 5000 12 years 67 days ago
Last lap (1min ago) my car (non-DRS) overtook a DRS car on the straight - he uses DRS and sails pasts me again...... At Bahrein.

James Petty medal 5000 12 years 66 days ago
In my opinon the DRS seems to work very well at the lower levels like where are league is currently at. I know we get people making jokes like "DRS Hack" and "DRS Engaged" because it does have a great effect at our level. With that being said, I am not so sure that it applies to the same at the higher levels where teams have more points in defending and what not.
If the DRS is adjusted I think that maybe it should be done my the tiers. I would suggest leaving the rookie tier where it is while maybe making slightly more adjustments as you progress to pro and elite. I am still faily new and this is all just my humble opinion. Thank you all for your time my friends.