Altair McGuire medal 5084 5 years 225 days ago
hi there,
i just selected a new secondary sponsor in lvl 10 pro. the last time i selected one i was lvl 9 pro.
both times it was the highest paying one, the wtf 1 sponsor, but this time its only 1.5mio per race, the last time 1.9mio per race.
is this normal? usually the sonsor increased with levelling. can you help me, and if this is a bug, set it straight?
Teddy Bear medal 5000 5 years 225 days ago
Sponsers May change how much they wish to offer so if you look along the bar you have several to pick from and you may find that WTF is not the best but another has the best. This time round. Next time WTF might be best though.
Altair McGuire medal 5084 5 years 225 days ago
But it was the best. 1.5mio was the maximum. This is why i am looking for help in the forum
Carlo Bernadetto medal 5000 5 years 224 days ago
I have also noticed the sponsorship decrease, but it was since the last update. I'm now losing £2.8 million per race thanks to a decrease in sponsorship money... if it was an intentional decrease since the last update, I think that is a very underhand way of getting players to buy more tokens?
Altair McGuire medal 5084 5 years 224 days ago
Hmm, yes. Could be intentional and this would suck ?
Teddy Bear medal 5000 5 years 223 days ago
Sos Marquez, Hmm intentional - would not surprise me in the least. Ask Kevin Bissell. He is quite knowledgeable on most things.
M. Truche medal 5696 Moderator 5 years 223 days ago
It is not a bug, it is an « evolution », as stated in the release notes :
Balanced sponsors rewards - lower payout from league races to account for many alternative ways to generate cash (daily rewards, quick races and rewarded ads)
Vance Sim medal 5000 5 years 223 days ago (Last edited by
Vance Sim 5 years 223 days ago)
For secondary sponsors, I notice the total possible sponsor payout (which is: fixed pay + bonus pay) for sponsors with less fixed pay but more bonus pay, like Hillfinger, are much higher compared to the total payout of sponsors with more fixed pay but less bonus pay, like WTF1. So at level 19 it seems the gap between total possible pay of Hillfinger (lowest fixed pay, highest bonus) vs WTF1 (highest fixed pay, lowest bonus) is about 1 million cash in favour of Hillfinger. Previously the gap between two would be much less, making most favour WTF1 as not only the high fixed pay is guaranteed, the total possible payout is only about 10% less than that of a sponsor like Hillfinger.