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quick races

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medal 5000
5 years 10 days ago
just trying to get answers anywhere, if all is equal why am i lapping over 2 seconds slower than every1 else on the same tyres even when mine are newer push level makes no diff. either ive even dropped to lowest push level, ive tried everything, something is not right
medal 5008 Community Manager
5 years 10 days ago
Hello Dwayn,

I looked at your account and you’re using a not repaired car, remember that you need to use parts to fix your car and a new engine.

Since this isn’t a suggestion I’ll move the topic to Help & Support.
medal 5000
5 years 9 days ago
Help please, Does participation and winning quick races result in a higher expectation in following league races? 
  Have entered four quick races, won all four, and in the following league races the expectation was for me to win them all, winning in my league is almost impossible to attain, the result being that due to not achieving a win I receive no cash. Answers please.
medal 5000
5 years 6 days ago
things are better i cant argue with that but full driver health full parts new engine 100% all,, and people on medium still lapping faster than me on softs, i dunno
medal 5000
5 years 6 days ago

things are better i cant argue with that but full driver health full parts new engine 100% all,, and people on medium still lapping faster than me on softs, i dunno

then switch to meds as well.
medal 5000
5 years 3 days ago (Last edited by Dwayn Elsom 5 years 3 days ago)
well yes but arent softs supposed to be faster just a shorter life span, i put brand new softs on 6laps to go and 2 guysb lapping faster than me they put their meds on after 10 laps and i was all 100% at start of race, what is the deal,,, it does seem on the quick race meds are the best tyres, but its all just a bit strange,,, also no matter how much or less i push, my tyres  (MEDS) burn out much quicker than my competitors or at least it seems that way im looking at them out in front thinking, WHAT IS THEIR F###ING SECRET? ur really gonna think im mad but, ffs! even my boost seems crap?
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