Brian Adie medal 5000 12 years 64 days ago
We at Racing Zone would love to have you join our league!!
We race Monday through Saturday and have a healthy Rookie, Pro and Elite system, we are always looking for new drivers to add to the challenge!!
Do YOU want to win a Team and Driver Championship???????????????

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 64 days ago
You really should clear the inactive teams (if you are the host, I didn't bother checking)
I just clicked on about 10-15 profiles and they were all last online 20-50 days ago. The league only actually has about 10-15 active people over all tiers.

Brian Adie medal 5000 12 years 64 days ago
Hi Eton,
i wiped a load out yesterday after taking over, the worst one was 245 days!!
i figured that I would give the ones that are left the benefit of the doubt for the moment.
thanks for your comments though :-)

Brian Adie medal 5000 12 years 62 days ago
Still space left in each category, race six days a week in a league where you could win!!!

Brian Adie medal 5000 12 years 62 days ago
We've got nine regular racers in our Rookie tier, join up for good old fashioned racing!!
Plenty of space in our Pro tier as well, only three regular racers so you have a good chance of winning the DC and TC...

Brian Adie medal 5000 12 years 47 days ago
Why not head over to Racing Zone, we are always looking for new regular drivers...50% races six days a week, all are welcome!!