Emma Strange medal 5000 5 years 222 days ago
Hi. Do the stats of staff actually make any difference or is it just the star rating?
Connor Cooper medal 4959 Super Mod 5 years 222 days ago
The star rating is definitely the most important. You want to try and maintain 4.5-5 ? staff at all times to maximise the development of your cars. Once your drivers are fully trained, you won't need a doctor so you can just let the contract expire. That is the only exception and why you wouldn't want a 5 star staff member.
Kevin Bissell medal 5000 Super Mod 5 years 222 days ago (Last edited by
Kevin Bissell 5 years 222 days ago)
For Chief Designers you also need to take account of level.
In an Elite tier a CD who is the same level as the Manager/Team will display as either 4.5 or 5 star and yield 43 dp per standard attribute at the beginnning of the season.
Whereas a CD who is one level lower than the Manager/Team displaying as 4.5 star will only yield 42 dp per standard attribute.
So all 4.5 star CDs are not equal.
I have also experienced L19 CDs who display as 5 star to a L20 Manager and these also yield the maximum 43 dp start of season design.
By "standard attribute" I mean neither strength or weakness.