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iGP Trivia and fun facts

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medal 5000
5 years 243 days ago (Last edited by Johnny Cooper 5 years 242 days ago)
Hi guys,
I thought I compile some fun facts and trivia about iGP Manager. Please feel free to chip in if you have something to share as well.

Let me start you of with some facts about iGP's staff.

After 364 races
still a level 5 manager

Or over ten million wins in just 28 races.
at least the salary is not cheap with 5.5 mn
in contrast to his level 20 team mate who just costs a meager 55k per race

Now some fun facts other managers accomplished:

Training a talent 0 driver to the maximum.

Or join iGP's race to to bottom:

Edit: Maybe someone of the moderation team can help me and transform the links into screenshots. That would be nice thanks.
medal 5021 Super Mod
5 years 243 days ago
Some of the links are better than just screenshots.

I've once tried to make a iGP fun fact post every day in my league's wall (I think I could keep it up for 10 days hehe), unfortunately it's not available any more and I actually didn't write it anywhere else.
medal 5421
5 years 243 days ago
Now, the objective is to see her run to 40 years (or more) !!


Training a talent 0 driver to the maximum.

medal 5000
5 years 243 days ago

Some of the links are better than just screenshots.

I've once tried to make a iGP fun fact post every day in my league's wall (I think I could keep it up for 10 days hehe), unfortunately it's not available any more and I actually didn't write it anywhere else.

Thanks for your effort and explanation. 
medal 5021 Super Mod
5 years 242 days ago
Let's go Heiden's funfact #1

Did you know that before WebGL, iGP's viewer used JAVA to show the simulation?

You can still see it in old videos like (This guy has made some game plays of iGP):

medal 5000
5 years 240 days ago

Let's go Heiden's funfact #1

Did you know that before WebGL, iGP's viewer used JAVA to show the simulation?

You can still see it in old videos like (This guy has made some game plays of iGP):

I like how you can see the others tyre temperatures a bit. Although not very realistic that you have that kind of information I guess. But a nice feature anyway. Especially for people learning the game.

medal 5021 Super Mod
5 years 240 days ago
Heiden's funfact #2

The XP formula xp = 40 + ((topLevel - managerLevel) × 20) was announced in the 11st September 2016. This change has dramatically cut the races needed to reach 40,000xp that are needed to become level 20.
medal 5003
5 years 240 days ago
I've had 32 podiums in 16 races. Is that a good acheivement?
medal 5421
5 years 240 days ago
The first manager to reach 10,000 reputation points was Joey McLane. (April/2017)


medal 5000
5 years 240 days ago
Kimi Raikko, Rachel Brown, and Ross Bong were some of the alts of Joey McLane as well.
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