Gursimran Bharaj medal 5000 12 years 43 days ago
Can we qualify by taking risks such as push hard or others?

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 43 days ago
Gursimran, qualifying is automatically pushing 5/5

Jack Jeffreys medal 5000 12 years 43 days ago
Are you sure Edwin? I back off my lead driver sometimes and his teammate outqualifies him

Lewis Goodway medal 4945 12 years 43 days ago
Changing this to 5/5 was a terrible choice

Brett Wilson medal 5000 11 years 245 days ago
Yes ive seen it be quite random.. well for my drivers anyways hehe. i think there is more to it than we expect... (like the track might not suit that particualr driver in comparision to other driver you might have in 2 car leagues) An assumption of course.. plus ur car design lvl what compound you are on.. (wait even compounds ive seen my drivers out quailfy the other when starting on hards) yeah bit of a mystery i believe....