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Whats the best browser to run the 2d viewer on xp?

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medal 5000
12 years 7 days ago (edited 12 years 7 days ago)
IE 9 works fine with the viewer on my vista, but my pc is in bits because i'm doing a rebuild.
I am currently using my old pc which has xp & uses the old slow IE 8, which seems to lag with the viewer on.

medal 5000
12 years 6 days ago
That's a good question Jim. I used IE8 when I was on XP, without any problems. A lot of people use chrome but whether they have XP or not I don't know. Let me see if anyone I know can assist
medal 5149
12 years 6 days ago
Internet Explorer is one of the less secure and lower performing applications for internet browsing.

Consider switchingto Firefox, Waterfox, Chrome or something similar.

Also if your operating system allows it, use 64bit Java to allow more memory allocation to allow the Java Applications to run more smoothly.
medal 5000
12 years 6 days ago
Thank you for that David
medal 5000
12 years 6 days ago
Thanks David & Edwin.
I downloaded firefox & Java 64bit, then tested it in spectating & it runs very smooth.

medal 5000
12 years 6 days ago
My IE 8 runs it better than 9 but I find chrome runs it best.
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