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Expulsion from the league

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medal 5000
5 years 201 days ago
Dear sir or madam,

I asked questions in the league. Then there was a small discussion about a few people who did not know how to read or write or could not understand what they read. (ignorant people). Even though I tried to explain myself politely, they were always aggressive. Later, a famous person in the league (the source of this discussion) left the league. They made me more aggressive as if I was the reason for his departure, but they fired me seven races before I told him I was going to go out at the end of the league. And while they were doing this, they didn't even text me and let me know. My damages aside I want these people to be punished if you have such a sanction

Note: The person I call the source of the discussion; found my personal facebook account, looked at my photos and threatened me. I would like to report this.

Best regards,
Deniz Küçükkaya
medal 5000
5 years 201 days ago
Deniz, olayı yabancı foruma taşımana gerek yoktu :) Aynı ligdeydik ve olanları ben de gördüm. Şu davranışın ile kendini küçük düşürmene gerek yok, yardıma ihtiyacın varsa Türk forumuna da başlık açabilirsin ayrıca :)
medal 5000
5 years 201 days ago
I write here because I think you're on their side. You are a moderator who abuses his duty (this is my personal opinion) i don't trust you and i don't ask for your help for this reason I write here. And please, if you write in English, I would appreciate this is not the Turkish section no one will understands you...
medal 5088
5 years 201 days ago
Locking this as it is a duplicate thread.
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