Sébastien Limbourg medal 5795 5 years 185 days ago (Last edited by
Sébastien Limbourg 5 years 124 days ago)
A league 100% OFFline (no connection).
Who will find the winning strategy !!!
If you are interested in taking part in this new league with one of your accounts (main or secondary), please let me know by private message.
Good game !!!
Kensett James medal 5000 5 years 123 days ago
Now that's an interesting idea.
Chris Py medal 5000 5 years 122 days ago
How do you control if someone logged into the race?
And if it is supposed to be 100% offline. Why is the race speed set at 1.0x? The speed shouldnt matter right? So you might as well get it over with faster ;)
Sébastien Limbourg medal 5795 5 years 121 days ago
It is difficult to check this.
I don't have any time to check g the race but some players check with another account (guest) and tell me if problem.
It is the reason to put the speed X1 to avoid a speed connection of a player.