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Design points dropped

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medal 5000
5 years 74 days ago
Just curios if this is fair or not. My d
esign points where dropped when joining a new leauge from between the 30s and he 50s to everything below ten except one. I did t even start that low when I started the game. I find this very unfair. It said it was to balance my with the others in the new leauge. If I knew how to add a photo I would to show you all. Someone please explain.
medal 5000 Super Mod
5 years 74 days ago
Hi Josh

Read this... Design Balancing system when changing leagues
medal 5000
5 years 73 days ago
Okay that explains it, just so I understand everyone in this new leauge should have roughly the same. Correct? If so why when I look under review am I so far behind the green arrows if we where roughly the same we should be closer. 
medal 5000
5 years 73 days ago
If/and when you join a league already in progress you're behind everyone else in the league. The further into the schedule the league you join is, the further behind car development you'll be.
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